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There is nothing more mysterious and gorgeous at the same time as reptiles, insects and amphibians. The amount of thrill and effort spent shooting them is inexpressible. Why?? Because they are active mostly at night! Imagine facing a viper or a poisonous frog at night...

Hissing Salazar
Hissing sounds came, as the Slytherin was approached and in the dark night I could still feel the green gorgeous Salazar was out for an hunt as it hung down the trees...

Frog for the Princess

Crawling Crab
Around 11PM at night, when we were all searching for the snakes in the mountains of Lepchakha, enduring the attack of tiger leeches avery few seconds, this pretty one pooped out of nowhere and made us feel that nights at jungle are equally mysterious.

Innocent one
It was the Long tongued frog or Copes frog as we found in the dense woods of North Bengal. The species start breeding during April- June and lay their eggs in any available water bodies.
Forest loss is ongoing throughout much of this species' range, with natural forest being logged and often replaced with expanding agriculture. Recent satellite imagery shows areas of land cleared for agriculture throughout this species' range
Forest loss is ongoing throughout much of this species' range, with natural forest being logged and often replaced with expanding agriculture. Recent satellite imagery shows areas of land cleared for agriculture throughout this species' range

The mating of Stick insects is so bizarre and they seem like two twigs intertwined at the clear sight in the night. It was a night venture into the beautiful yet deadly forests of Bengal, where from a distance they were hard to spot. But be careful since Stick insects aren't venomous but if threatened, one will use whatever means necessary to thwart its attacker. Some will regurgitate a nasty substance to put a bad taste in a hungry predator's mouth. Others reflex bleed, oozing foul-smelling hemolymph from joints in their body.

It was indeed a pleasure getting close to the Salazar's Pit Viper, a species that got its name just 2 years back. The bright green scales, smoothly coiling up the branches by the waterfalls, the moist winds, the serenity of the green woods, with myself lurking behind the vibrant venomous member of the North Bengal jungles was one true feeling that storytellers like us won't ever forget...

Dream Landing
Just as we were about to leave the lodge at Chilapata, Alipur Duar, I spotted out this painted bushfrog. He was trying to jump from one leaf to the other. With lots of flies in the background and the afternoon sun at its peak, in a split second, it jumped and hail my luck, it was nearly missing the leaf. But it got lucky!


Parabolic hiss
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